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BSG Half Race Mod Error Reporting and Help

  • Thread starter thunderfoot
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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
If you tell them I made a ship for you, they'll think I am still modding A2, lol.

I am thinking of making some maps for you. Just as soon as I figure out how to make the Scorpion Yards into a background.


Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
If you tell them I made a ship for you, they'll think I am still modding A2, lol.

Oops, my mistake. Uncle Thunder is of course retired from modding, doesn't have anything to do with it these days. Too busy living the high life on some (simulated :D ) beach somewhere sipping drinks with those little umbrellas in them to be beavering away on a 10 year old game. Wouldn't mean to imply otherwise. :angel:

I am thinking of making some maps for you. Just as soon as I figure out how to make the Scorpion Yards into a background.
Maps would be great. I assume maps don't count as modding ;)


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Oops, my mistake. Uncle Thunder is of course retired from modding, doesn't have anything to do with it these days. Too busy living the high life on some (simulated :D ) beach somewhere sipping drinks with those little umbrellas in them to be beavering away on a 10 year old game. Wouldn't mean to imply otherwise. :angel:
"Simulated" beach? Google Earth will show you exactly where I'm at. Biloxi MS. Nothing at all simulated about this beach. Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet is where I'd like to be but I ain't all that far away from it. Don' be hatin' lol.

Maps would be great. I assume maps don't count as modding ;)
They do not. Because all one needs to make a map is the Editor Tools. None of that fancy schmantzy MS3D, or PhotoChop, or stuff like that. When I fist started modding, all we had were sticks and a rock. Two sticks for the entire Community. And we all had to share the rock.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
When I started modding, we didn't even have the sticks... :lol2:

Modding technically is modding, as you are changing the game, don't mean to be technical or to poke holes. ;)


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
Well, at least there are maps as the excuse to keep Thunderfoot-san in the community, at least until we can make him go into modding again :angel:.

Yes, I might have a plan for that but I am not telling... yet :naughty:.

Keep it up everybody!


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
When I started modding, we didn't even have the sticks... :lol2:

Modding technically is modding, as you are changing the game, don't mean to be technical or to poke holes. ;)
Yes, you do. But it's all in fun so no worries. After all, you've "retired" from modding A2 as well IIRC. Touche'!

Well, at least there are maps as the excuse to keep Thunderfoot-san in the community, at least until we can make him go into modding again :angel:.

Yes, I might have a plan for that but I am not telling... yet :naughty:.

Keep it up everybody!
And what might this plan be, I wonder? Tell ya what, old friend. I'll offer you a counter proposal. I'll unretire myself the very second you publicly release all your BSG stuff. So I've no worries at all of having to get back to the grind anytime soon, do I? :D Thought so. :D

"Got my toes in the water, my butt on the sand,
Nothin' to do, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today. Life is good today."


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
They do not. Because all one needs to make a map is the Editor Tools. None of that fancy schmantzy MS3D, or PhotoChop, or stuff like that. When I fist started modding, all we had were sticks and a rock. Two sticks for the entire Community. And we all had to share the rock.

Is this the part where you walked 5 miles in the snow uphill both ways to get downloads?:p(J/K)


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
And what might this plan be, I wonder? Tell ya what, old friend. I'll offer you a counter proposal. I'll unretire myself the very second you publicly release all your BSG stuff. So I've no worries at all of having to get back to the grind anytime soon, do I? :D Thought so. :D

"Got my toes in the water, my butt on the sand,
Nothin' to do, a cold beer in my hand
Life is good today. Life is good today."

Well, the plan was to throw you my models so you can help me with maybe some physics files and other little bits like fancy screenshots for preview purposes before I can release anything.

All of my Valkyries have build-buttons, wireframes and Adrmiral Log's pics, but I was thinking what other things I could add as I don't want to forget anything. I still need to mess around with lods a bit, but I plan to release theships wih and without lods in the same packs... is that a good idea?


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Yes, you do. But it's all in fun so no worries. After all, you've "retired" from modding A2 as well IIRC. Touche'!

Arn't we all retired? Or at least we were at somepoint but got it into our heads to come back. :lol2:

I still need to mess around with lods a bit, but I plan to release theships wih and without lods in the same packs... is that a good idea?

You know you could just lod it with the turrets, have heavy poly turrets, then low poly, then no turrets. :thumbsup:


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
Arn't we all retired? Or at least we were at somepoint but got it into our heads to come back. :lol2:

You know you could just lod it with the turrets, have heavy poly turrets, then low poly, then no turrets. :thumbsup:

I have not retired... yet :lol:.

And that was my original plan for lods, then I saw the lods made by Starfox1701 (did I get the name correctly?) who added two more.

But I think I might go for the idea, my original plan I had and your suggestion Majestic for three lods, and a max of 4 lods if the turret-less model has too many details.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
ALso add the different sizes of textures as well which will also help. I myself only plan on doing texture lods, due to work with the FO mod, higher poly model's aren't as problematic as in stock A2, the textures are more so in FO.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
If you tell them I made a ship for you, they'll think I am still modding A2, lol.

Like anyone ever believed you. :lol2:

And wasn't it three sticks and a rock? Or did one of the sticks break before I got there??? :angel:


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Like anyone ever believed you. :lol2:

And wasn't it three sticks and a rock? Or did one of the sticks break before I got there??? :angel:

Whoops, that was me, play and modding too hard. :oops: :lol2:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
In the version of BSG HRM v1.0 I run in my install, Chiletrek, I am using the meshes for Galactica and Pegasus you gave me about three or four years ago. The released version has Maj's ships in it and AFIK neither kjc733 nor myself have any reason to change this. We're dealing with fleets here, not individual ships. So whether or not the things have turrets on them does not matter. The largest number of battlestars and combat ships I've been able to build in game is about thirty or so. And battlestars only made up about six or seven of the ships. This means I had about fifty or so Colonial ships onscreen counting civilian vessels but not counting fighters. Since I only have a few of the poly heavy vessels on the map at one time LODs are not that important. I set the thing up so the Colonials would not have access to everything they needed to make a fleet of one hundred battlestars. Because this would not be true to the spirit of either the original series nor the RDM series.

LODs, schmods. Not needed. Not important. Only causing yet another delay in you releasing your BSG stuff. As to me helping out with the coding, did you not understand when I dedicated BSGHRM v1.0 to you? Did you not D/L the mod and look inside? Everything in BSGHRM v1.0 was set up from the beginning by me so if someone wanted to, they could swap out the ships in our mod for yours. Some simple ODF adjustments and people got to use Chiletrek's ships in our mod. I am a huge admirer of your work. I have said so sometimes to the point where I have deeply offended others. I cannot take back the words, although I wish I could. Because the people whose work I compared to yours are very good at modding also. But I knew my friend Chiletrek was and is a stand up guy. His enjoyment of BSG and the care and attention he places into everything he does means his models of Galactica, Pegasus, and the rest are truly special and worthy of praise.

The people who've I've offended? Their BSG stuff is out in the Community. It is being enjoyed as we speak. By fans of BSG who also enjoy A2 and Fleet Ops. People are playing with BSG stuff in A2 right now. And where are the wonderful meshes and things you've shown us over the years? Still hidden away inside your HDD and inside a mod which will never see public release. Because the people involved with this mod have no passion for modding. They reserve their passion for controlling and dominating others. For playing politics with this Community. For being selfish enough that when we do not fall down in shock and awe at their feet and proclaim them modding gods, they get their knickers in a twist and refuse to release things which people have wanted since the first day BSG aired on the SciFi channel.

Am I upset? Yes. Will you offer yet another in an endless series of sad excuses as to why you cannot release any of your BSG stuff because of blah blah blah and doo daah and besides there is__________________. I will bet a month's pay on it. Speak no more to me of releasing the beautifully crafted models you've done. Show me no more pics. Make no more promises to me about maybe someday it will be all be publicly released. because like most of the members of this Community, the silent majority who cannot mod at all, I am weary of brief glimpses of beautiful ships which will never find their way into public release. Because of yet another excuse or delay or problem or whatever. I gave you everything I have way back when and told you to do whatever you like with it. The things inside BSGHRM v1.0 which are mine are specifically pointed out to others to use as they see fit, as long as the ReadMe credits myself with being the originator. I told you a very long time ago you, Chiletrek, have carte blanche to do whatever you like with anything I have ever done. I did these things in order to get your wonderful BSG stuff out to the Community.

So you see, I needn't worry one bit about becoming unretired. And if you want yet another reason to delay releasing your stuff, please do not use me. I want no part of being in the group who has punished the BSG fans within the Community by withholding your meshes from public release. I'll not be a party to such petty politics ever. And I can only look on with shame and disappointment at those who are part of such a heinous activity. Me unretired? Exactly the same chance as you publicly releasing anything BSG. Zip. Zero. Nil. Nada. Da big goose egg. No, I do not want to help you out with LODs and coding for your meshes. Because I already did the coding you need. And if I do help you out, then I become another easy way to avoid releasing ships which people have wanted for years. Such activity makes me no better than Score1!_UK. I'll rot before anyone has the opportunity to say I am just like him.

Wrote it. Meant every word. Absolutely will not take any of it back. Don't really care about hurt feelings here because mine, as well as a silent majority of the Community, have been trampled in the dust by all the foot dragging going on about you releasing your BSG stuff. And if this rant gets me banned forever from the A2 Community and makes people hate me almost as long, well then, good. It still needed to be said out loud somewhere. And I'd be very surprised if only a few of us are thinking the same way. In fact, I am angry enough about this whole sorry pathetic mess, I think I'll just ban myself for about a month. Later people, Thunderfoot has left the building.


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
I don't like when you react that way... in this case, I know it is because of my models and you have any idea of how that makes me to feel? But I rather not go into that.

As for what was my previous post, I did not ask you about LODs, except maybe for an opinion if it is worthy or not as I now know how to do those. As for Physics, well, I was just referring to them as you might give some help as ships like the Valkyrie and Cygnus are much smaller and I suppose much maneuvrable and faster than ships like Galactica and Pegasus, which they have nice speeds despite their sizes. But I will just take a look at your files again and figure out by myself, I was just wondering because you have all the expertise in that.

I will also not put more updates in my topic until I get something to release, the last thing I wanted was to make people to feel bad again.


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
First off let me say don't listen to Thunderfoot. He is way out of line and DOES NOT speaak for me or anyone else on this mater only himself. You do what you feel you need to do be for publicly releasing these ships. They will be done when they are done. And please do continue to shair your work.:cool:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Normally I'm not one to wade into a controversy best hashed out over PM, but I can kind of see Rich's point, Chiletrek. He has always been your biggest supporter, and has asked publicly numerous times for shows of that support, to the point of making it possible for his mod coding to simply require your models in order to work to perfection. And we all know he works things to the third decimal point (in the case of physics files) in order for it to work the way he imagines it. He just also happens to imagine that your models would be vastly, vastly superior to anyone else's work, and he doesn't want to wait for further delay in order to have a chance to enjoy it (and on this point you know I agree with him). This is certainly the most.... interesting way I've seen him demonstrate that support.

(Interesting with a capital :Y .)

That being said, however, I think he's lashing out based solely on his frustration. I would completely support your feelings on the subject if you said you were hurt by what he said. And admittedly it's probably not the best motivator to get you to release any BSG material. Whether he's been right to think it nothing more than a matter of time before he sees you release BSG content in a mod is his prerogative. But it would truly be a loss, and an ironic, tragic loss, to the community if you were to interpret his words as a reason to shelve the project or not release it.

So maybe it might be worth considering, releasing something without LODs or a total perfection, even just as a beta release? I know it's probably the last thing you want to read someone say after all that, but as Starfox said, we're all huge fans of your work just based on screencaps and your reputation. We're all still excited by what you've shown us. And we'd love to see more.


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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Some progress.


There be Cylons!!!


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I've been looking for a way to say this other than to put it plainly, and I can't. What happened in this thread really killed my buzz for any BSG modding. I can't blame the admins because I know they do their jobs, but I hate when stuff like this happens, and in a public thread. I've been watching no less than three BSG projects in the works on MSFC, and I lost my enthusiasm for all of it because Chiletrek's not around anymore, and Rich has apparently banned himself. I apologize to Adm_Z and Majestic, and to you, kjc733. But I am really upset about what happened. And that's taking away any enjoyment I might otherwise have had for all the BSG projects in the works. I know, it's my loss. But we ALL lose when stuff like this happens.


Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
I can understand that. To be honest I've had a few "Why am I bothering" moments as a result of all this myself. But here's my thoughts:

I have been deliberately trying to keep out of the fray here because I don't want it (as it has with you StarBlade) getting too associated with this mod (especially as this is my very first mod!!!). I've been tempted to ask if its possible to seperate out the thread as the "politics" really is a seperate issue - but I don't see the point. It's done, we all know the arguments and counter-arguments. And I'd appreciate it if people took the discussion elsewhere if they want to take it further, because I feel that it is all irrelevent to this mod.

If someone (and I mean anyone! no finger pointing intended here!) was to release a matching set of high quality, low poly sods and textures for every ship in the BSGHRM then I'd consider installing them. But it's not going to happen immediately, and I am not going to wait. What I have now works and looks good enough. (Maj, that is not intended as a slight against you in any way, it's actually a compliment - I think your work is great, especially as I know how hard it is to get a good shape with low poly counts.)

I said I'd do this, so I'm going to do this. Besides it's not all that far now (a wireframe, a few buttons, ship odf and AIP tweaks, a CTD Admirals log bug and a couple of specials and testing) so it'd be a shame to stop. As long as nobody revokes any permissions and Maj is willing to host it here, then I will be getting this done.

After that, if anyone want to download it they can. If people are so tied up with "politics" of the situation that they don't want it, well thats their choice and beyond my ability to influence.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Fair enough, kjc733. It wasn't my intention to detract from your work in the slightest. On the contrary, in fact. And I wish you the best of luck with your modding intentions. It doesn't matter how good the models look if they don't behave in combat.

And I'll leave it at that. I felt it needed to be said; it's been said; that's all that needs to be said from me. So say we all? :D


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
I've been looking for a way to say this other than to put it plainly, and I can't. What happened in this thread really killed my buzz for any BSG modding. I can't blame the admins because I know they do their jobs, but I hate when stuff like this happens, and in a public thread. I've been watching no less than three BSG projects in the works on MSFC, and I lost my enthusiasm for all of it because Chiletrek's not around anymore, and Rich has apparently banned himself. I apologize to Adm_Z and Majestic, and to you, kjc733. But I am really upset about what happened. And that's taking away any enjoyment I might otherwise have had for all the BSG projects in the works. I know, it's my loss. But we ALL lose when stuff like this happens.

I tried Pming them both after this happened, but I have gotten no reply from either of them, probably due to them either not returning and haven't check their email or do not wish to talk to me about it. I felt the whole thing simply shouldn't have happened as at the end of a day a modeller is not required to release what he/she does. End of story.

However I can understand your feelings Starblade I share them a bit, MSFC was founded to get away from this poop as us few that started it up had too much of that at AFC. But with MSFC currently one of the more active A2 communities atm this sort of thing was bound to happen. It's just a shame it has happened between friends.

I can understand that. To be honest I've had a few "Why am I bothering" moments as a result of all this myself.

Tell me about it, that's why I have adjusted my attitude from I want to make this mod, to I want to make this model and if I get a mod out that's good if not, well that's okay as well.

If someone (and I mean anyone! no finger pointing intended here!) was to release a matching set of high quality, low poly sods and textures for every ship in the BSGHRM then I'd consider installing them. But it's not going to happen immediately, and I am not going to wait. What I have now works and looks good enough. (Maj, that is not intended as a slight against you in any way, it's actually a compliment - I think your work is great, especially as I know how hard it is to get a good shape with low poly counts.)

Fair enough, my models weren't all that great to begin with but I had to work within the limits of the game and my lack of texturing and modelling skill at the time. Since I did those I have improved a great deal in all aspects including being able to use higher poly models due to now working on the FO platform.


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Former MSFC Member
If my opinion on this matter is found offensive then so be it but this needs to be said.

I am totally appalled that a grown man has reduced himself to the behaviour of a little boy and thrown a tantrum, my youngest son who is almost 14years old would not even do this on his worst day.
Chiletrek , the most loyal person I have ever met, was simply asking for an opinion etc and it was totally thrown out of context and a raging case of PMS has ensued!
Wow! seriously, I knew I was good but didn't think I had the ability to transfer my PMS that far across the world to another human being :p

Being from the medications I am on I no longer get PMS, nor any other female emotional temper tantrum hormone so I am assuming TF now has it for me.
Wow all those pent up emotions have finally exploded huh?
I'm sorry but I expected more from a grown man to whom I had the utmost respect for, I am now having to re-evaluate my thoughts and am also hoping that this person will come to their senses after the PMS rage has subsided and realise the error of his way. While I understand what has been said and the reasoning behind it, there was no cause at this time for it to have been said and am deeply saddened by this occurance. Let this be the end of this discussion and move forward, I think there has been enough time wasted with this latest flare, anymore discussion on this subject should be done privately I think.


The older I get, the more I forget
28 Dec 2006
Well, I've just got over the shock of reading this thread, and I shall not make comment (as requested).

I would like to say, however, that I am enjoying the progress of all the BSG mods. I think everyone is doing some awesome stuff at the moment. I like the latest in-game shot, Kjc. Looks like quite a battle going on.

And to Chiletrek,
I know nothing about physics files, or lods, and I am pretty much retired too. But if you ever get stuck and need a hand with something, feel free to send me a PM anytime, mate. :thumbsup:


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Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Thank you. I had been hoping to get some work done on this this week but my "real" work has been interfering with my days. And with fathers day this weekend I'll be doing my pilgrimage to visit the folks so likely no progress this weekend either.

At the moment it is possible to do some really nasty battles. The Cylons are a tad on the weak side and need toughening up (the wimps), Colonial vs Colonial however can be tough. Last game I killed 1500 fighters!!! (and lost 500 of my own!). So as I said, close, as long as I can find the time to do all the little things... It may need renaming the BSG Three Quarters Race Mod ;)


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Yeah, I had to tone down my own fighters to avoid that issue. Basically, I made one fighter represent the combined force of a wing or some small contingent. They are about 2-3 times as big as they should be and deal more damage than a regular fighter would but also have equal health. It basically balences itself out, and makes for some cool battles while still keeping fighters down in the 100's -200's range. However, fighters are automatically launched from each carrier(different ones depending on the ship) so as soon as some are destroyed, more are launched to take their place. As a system, it is pretty sound, however it is not very realistic if you think about it.:sweat:

I have thought of better, more realistic systems, which I have discussed with starfox concerning his SW mod, but for my bsg mod, I think I like the one I am using best.


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
It would work better if you could blow up the hangers like in EAW;)


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
It would work better if you could blow up the hangers like in EAW;)

I've been playing that game a lot recently and the fighter system in that game is the best available, even how the fighters launch in squads and each fighter flies in it's own way and can be destroyed individually.

I do hope one day the devs of FO try to improve the fighter system to simulate EAW/FOC a little more. :thumbsup: