• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

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What Would You Like to See Added to STO?


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
I know we all would like to see more content. Added story missions, a fully fleshed KDF faction, and a Romulan and Cardassian factions. What I am wanting to know, what extra "goodies" would you like to see? Be it ships, bundles, planets, or whatever. This is intended to be a little fun so lets keep our responses civilized (not that our members or anything but). Lets pretend that permissions and the like or of no consequence. IE: have a favorite Armada ship? List it! Lets have some fun!

I'll start
Ambassador class (Probert's concept and the production model)
Movie Enterprise Bundle:
Movie ship skin
TWoK ship phaser
TWoK hand phaser
Movie Enterprise interior
Movie shuttle
Kirk's off duty costume from SFS

That gets me started. What about you?


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
I wanna see Voyager style borg drones. :angel:

A real steamrunner
Bridge view combat. So you can sit on your bridge and still fly and fight. :D


The Starfleet that's anything but human.
10 Sep 2010
Ahem... here is my ideas.

Historic Bridge Pack:
- TOS Connie Bridge (Named "Enterprise")
- The Motion Picture Bridge (Named "New Era")
- NX Bridge (Named "Precursor")
- Enterprise-B Bridge (Named "Aged Explorer")
- Excelsior Bridge (Named "Excelsior")

Ambassador Class Starship (Named "Light Exploration Cruiser"):
- 3 Fore Weapons
- 2 Aft Weapons
- 3 Item slots
- 4 Engineering Consoles
- 1 Science Console
- 2 Tactical Console

1 Lieutenant Commander Tactical Station
1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering Station
1 Lieutenant Engineering Station
1 Ensign Science Station

Minimum Rank: Captain
+20% Ship Speed Bonus
+10% Ship turn Rate Bonus
+10% Ship Shield Capacity Bonus

Dauntless Replica Prototype (Labeled as "Experimental Cruiser Prototype")
- 4 Fore Weapons
- 2 Aft Weapons
- 1 Fighter Bay
- 5 Item Slots
- 3 Engineering Consoles
- 5 Science Consoles
- 2 Tactical Consoles

- 1 Lieutenant Tactical Station
- 1 Lieutenant Commander Engineering Station
- 1 Commander Science Station
- 2 Lieutenant Science Stations

Minimum Rank: Vice Admiral
- Quantum Flux Science Console (Gives you the ability to phase your ship into subspace acting as a Cloaking Device)
- Enhanced Quantum Slipstream Drive (Able to Maintain slipstream flight for 3m instead of 30s)
+25% Deflector Trait Bonus
+15% Armor Console Effectiveness
+15% Shield Recharge Rate Bonus


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Two words: Playable Rihannsu(Romulans).


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Excalibur check out the TOS Bundle, it has a TOS full interior including the bridge. :thumbsup:

  • Admiral Quinn pop-ups after log-in stopped for Federation characters.
  • Defari Ambassador pop-ups after log-in stopped for Klingon characters.
  • Ability to switch characters, rather than the log-in/out method currently in use.
  • Ability to transfer Energy Credits, items and dilithium to characters on the account. Perhaps a joint bank account for the account much like a fleet one.
  • Items bound by account not character.
  • Andorians need the ENT era antennas like the Aenar and Aliens do.
  • Limited rewards, if they must be included I would remommend a re-run for a whole month every 4 or so months to allow those who for whatever reason missed out the first time to be able to accquire them.
  • Ability to re-trait a character, like currently available for re-training characters skills.
  • Get rid of 75% of the NPC's walking around on Qo'Nos, ESD, Academies, onboard ship etc, they get in the way and can lag out the player.
  • Expired exchange items able to be collected by any character on the account.
  • Items to stay visable for the entire week they are on the exchange, rather than go invisible from the search after 24 hours.
  • On the KDF side, allow the Alien characters and bridge officers to use all the uniforms, including the Nausicaan and Orion sets. Also make Jem'hadar, Cardassian and Reman sets available for KDF Aliens to give more variety.
  • Fleet Support, often when a ship is called when the character is close to death the ship never arrives but the player still gets the 15 minute cool down after they respawn.
  • Go back to giving an hour notice when the game is going down for mainteance, 30 mins isn't long enough especially for STF's.
  • 2 events an hour would allow more people to take advantage of the events.
  • The Terran Empire events would be better if moved to regular PVE's to free up event spots for more popular ones like Tour of the Universe.
  • The Cloaking device on the Dreadnaught Cruiser and Escort Retrofit should be an ability and not a console, as they can only be used on those ships and take up an important console slot.

:lol2: I've been making a list for some-time now.


Petty Officer 1st Class
19 Jan 2011
Tholians, Tholians, Tholians :D with ships and playable characters


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
The Enterprise F's hull burning in space just before a warp core breach :exter:

Yes Im not a fan of the USS Enterprise F racked up :p


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
The Enterprise F's hull burning in space just before a warp core breach :exter:

Yes Im not a fan of the USS Enterprise F racked up :p

LOL :lol2: Honestly, I also liked your design much better than the winning design. :thumbsup:


26 Apr 2006
What was your design Hellkite?

I would like to see:

  • More KDF story! Come on Craptic, more depth instead of simply having them play the rest of the UFP's missions.
  • Stupid Bound-to-Character ****! Should be nothing bound! Cept bound-to-UFP or bound-to-KDF.
  • YES I want Bridge Combat View as well!
  • C-Store prices reduced, its only a game and should be treated as such not a 'oh let suck all the money we can from the players' business. The master keys were cheaper before!
  • More ways to gain Dilithium and in greater amounts!
  • Latinum something! I mean seriously it should be the main currency in the game anyway!


Oh I forgot to say better management of the DOFF assignments so it doesn't take as long to gain departmental rankings.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
What was your design Hellkite?....

The Seraphim Class,



Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
I would like to see:

  • More KDF story! Come on Craptic, more depth instead of simply having them play the rest of the UFP's missions.
  • Stupid Bound-to-Character ****! Should be nothing bound! Cept bound-to-UFP or bound-to-KDF.
  • Latinum something! I mean seriously it should be the main currency in the game anyway!

Oh yes I have been beating that drum for almost 12 months, others have for years now. I don't think the game will last unless they have bring the KDF up to at least the same content % as the Federation faction. To me the KDF faction is a lot more fun, their missions are more enjoyable both solo and especially with a team.

I agree it's making it hard to play more than one character, which in turn makes the game less fun and interesting.

I think Latinum should have been Lobi, make the Lobi store require a large amount of Latnium for most items, have Lock Boxes provide a large amount each time you open them, that way people can either grind up to them or spend Zen and open boxes. That way everyone is happy and Latnium has a use.

  • More ways to gain Dilithium and in greater amounts!

You know if you do certain Marauder assignments you can gather a lot of contraband and then hand 5 into the security officer for 2k dilithium?

I run 2-3 KDF's through that and earn enough to run 3 characters through the security officer assignment each time I log in with still 100+ contraband in my inventory/bank.


Ah men to that brother, no point playing the same stuff with a new ship, it's just the same. Trinkets and shiny's won't keep us going, missions are what the community really wants.


11 Apr 2010
I'm all for no more new starships as well, but I can't help but feel personally that they should add in the JJ-Prise. I mean seriously, with some of the ships that they already have added in, not to mention the monstrosities they call original ships, one would think that adding in the JJ-Prise would have been a natural choice.

And as another thing: they need a smarter way to earn starships besides Zen and Dilithium. I am EXCEEDINGLY tired of having to do nothing but grind grind grind to make my way to earn the Defiant Retrofit. It really is a lot of work, and I highly doubt that it'll be worth the payoff. I refuse to pay any money for this game because 1. I already paid a nice $70 when I pre-ordered it, and 2. I don't have money to throw around anyway.

Once I do have the money, TBH I probably will end up getting a lifetime subscription :oops: for the benefits it has, but until that time comes, it really is not worth shelling out more cash for the items that are up for sale. Though I am REALLY tempted to buy some of the stuff I don't need... :naughty: Not gonna happen.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Very MMO has a element of grind, but STO is excessive in all sense of the word and also very unrewarding, the stuff you grind for isn't really worth the time in doing so and each time the dev's find out an easy way to do it, they remove it making it even harder for gamers. I honestly think they do this to try and keep people playing longer to alter their statics and show PWE that their game is more active than it really should be.

To be honest the game needs a new lead, out with Dan Stahl and in with someone who can see the big picture, the long-term of the game and above all else bring a more enjoyable game to their customers.

I have honestly been thinking of trying some of the other non sci-fi MMO's that are F2P as STO has become really stale. Each upgrade and update not only brings nothing constructive to the game, it also breaks more things than it supposes to fixes. New content comes out broken, proving they don't test their content before release they just throw it on the live holodeck server instead of testing it for a month and ironing out bugs before going live with it.


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
RE: Ships; I really do understand the "no more new ships til we get more content" statement but, my question would be, What are the ship artists to do while they wait on everything else? The star ship artists only works on ships. I am sorry, I see too much of "they should be fixing bugs, not making ships" and "Enough ships, give us content" on the STO forums. Instead of no more ships, how about build more KDF ships? I have a Tactical Gorn and would love to have him in a Gorn escort.

As for Stahl, I don't completely blame him. I was playing this game when he came on board. He has done a lot of good for this game. He also had to endure a lot. A hiring freeze and lack of funding from Atari. Sale of Cryptic to PWE. Conversion to F2P. I have heard a lot of what he would LIKE to do with STO but, unfortunately, he has to answer to PWE and CBS, one which dictates what goes into the game and the other prioritizes that which does. I am by no means being a Stahl apologist but, I am not ready to kick him to the curb either.