• Hello and welcome to MSFC. We are a small and close knitted community who specialises in modding the game Star Trek Armada 2 and the Fleet Operations modification, however we have an open field for discussing a number of topics including movies, real life events and everything in-between.

    Being such a close community, we do have some restrictions, including all users required to be registered before being able to post as well as all members requiring to have participated in the community for sometime before being able to download our modding files to name the main ones. This is done for both the protection of our members and to encourage new members to get involved with the community. We also require all new registrations to first be authorised by an Administrator and to also have an active and confirmed email account.

    We have a policy of fairness and a non harassment environment, with the staff quick to act on the rare occasion of when this policy is breached. Feel free to register and join our community.

Plug Your Personal Install


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
I thought this might be fun. Most people have their own personal installs of A2 or A1, sometimes both.

I am curious to see what people have, so I created this thread to find out and so we can all share information and images about personal installs.

While I have no images at the moment I have two personal installs. The first is a larger version of Clash of Empires, with a ridiculous amount of ships. Many of which I haven't modelled yet.

However my prime personal install, is what I sometimes like to call a Aad Install or the Enhancement mod. This is because it's made up of ships done by Aad Moerman, designed to enhance stock visually as well as through coding to a minor extent. As new ships are released, it finds itself constantly updated. My ultimate plan is to have a full mod with all vessels replaced with improved versions, plus the addition of the Dominion added as a 7th race.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
This is a cool idea.:thumbsup:

I have several personal mods, but only one i really use. I have an extra copy of FO, for my BSG install, but that gets deleted regularly so I can keep everything clean, I have another temporary FO install for testing some other mods, but like I said, it is temporary. I have T-foots BSG mod installed, tactical assault, and several other TC's, but my personal mod hasn't been used in a while for anything other than a S3D dumping folder. it is a mod I call Dominion wars. At one point, I had mused about releasing it, but I decided it would be too hard to get permission for all the stuff in it. It includes a custom fed race based out of DS9, but can build a couple of small yards with a few ships like the achilles class with costume special weapons. This mod also has dan1025's cardie race, and that old Dominion mod from ff that has a whole dominion and breen race.

there is alot there, but the mod means alot to me because it was the first mod where I learned how to make buttons, GUI features, and a mainmenu with working animated buttons. I don;t have many pictures, and the mod doesn;t have many modern models so I won;t take many.:sweat: but Here is a pic of the main menu.

Oh, i made a cool splash pic too all using elements from the Dominion Wars game.


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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Currently, I have one A2 install, called Guinea Pig. It has most of Yacuzza's Midnight Universe v2.0 installed, A2PP Version X, fahre's CompactClear GUI(modified), all of Aad's Klink and Rommie ships, nearly everything ST:XI related and the BSG Colonials from the Half Race Mod. A few more custom bits and pieces are in there as well. Like Starfox' Super Star Destroyer, some of Aerlion's and terradhyne's backgrounds, and some other very odd things which I liked(BattleFleet Gothic, anyone?)


<< ■ II ▶ >>
Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I have an A1 install called Eclipse. Until I can get the frame work for all the races up, the Feds are the only playable side. The only things that I know I have in it for sure are Rake's Weapon Textures, everything else I've either forgotten where I got it or it will soon be replaced with higher quality stuff; even RWT is slowly being replaced.

Part of the goal is to include the impossible (or prohibitively difficult) features, several of which are in the game in a limited fashion as proof of concept. Muzzle flares for pulse and torpedo weapons, burst fire pulse and torpedo weapons, sub-factions, and racial shielding are the currently working ones. Custom missions is something that I'm planning and as far as I'm aware of is actually possible due to a tool released by a user on the Fleet Ops site a while ago.

I'll post some screenies once I figure out what's wrong with the new backdrops I've been trying to make.


Bah Humbug!
1 Oct 2006
Sadly the only install I have right now is FO, with a custom 3rd Fed captain added to it.


Biffy! Biffy! Biffy!
1 Jul 2009
At the moment, I have 2 A2 installs and 1 A1...

My A1 install is slightly modded - I added some of the Halo Fleet Command Ships to it for testing...

One A2 Install is pretty much the same, only 1 or 2 Halo models added... I had intended to build up both mods side by side... But I really have not had the motivation to mod lately... but I suppose everyone goes through slumps every now and then, eh?

The Other A2 install has Midnight Universe and TFs physics project installed - along with the re worked TOS models I was plugging a while back...

To be honest, I was kinda holding off releasing anything until I was 100% happy with it - then I bought European Air War and Left 4 Dead 2 for Steam, then I built a MS3d Spitfire... and there is always MW4...:sweat:

So - em - yeah, three...


Filipino Expat
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
As always, a pic can spew a thousand words. Here's my hub for all A2 related stuff at the moment.


"A2 Mods and TC's" - This contains most of the released large scale mods and single ships, its kinda like my official mod archive. Contains lots of stuff from the community. Even has some several BC and Legacy stuff mixed in there.

"BIVR" - You guessed it, its MAP's masterpiece. Although its been slightly updated with lightmapped models and some other personal tweaks

"Downloaded Items" - Newly downloaded stuff goes here I suppose, lol

"Fleet Ops" - I'm one version behind methinks, I don't really play the mod much anymore, I mostly "borrow" quality models these days lol.

"Personal Mod" - My original personal build. It still dates back to early 2007 and is still growing. This one balances gameplay and graphics.

"PoTD Hub" - Pics go here, obviously.

"Stock A2 Install" - Whenever I'm in the mood for Vanilla, I know where to go.

"High End Install" - My premier install for pic taking, if you want quality and glorified BC converts and polygon juggernauts, go here.

"Klingon Academy 2 - TGW" - Consider this as another source to "borrow" models. Nuff said'

Though to be honest, I'm only using or editing one or two lately, the lot of them has been relatively untouched for a long time. :lol2:


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Oh man, I beat Jetfreak when it comes to installs. I have stock, TF's Colonials, a combination of Dan's Cardies and Vulcans, B5A2, the SB34 FedCompMod, FlOps, two installs of the AOW4.1.7beta (one modified), BIVR, my personal install and a ~7GB folder full of downloaded material.

My personal install is still under construction. I am currently playing around with balancing and stuffs like that, writing a Mod Concept, making weapon sprites... Nawt done yet. :(


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Former MSFC Member
Last time I touched my custom install it was just the SB34 Federation Compilation with a Dominion race the team put together, along with the Metathran, SWFC content and a Borg mod and not much besides. My ambition to mod wore out before I could re-install all the "Section 31 Inter-Universal Lend-Lease" stuff I had-- ships from B5, BSG, Star Wars and so forth all available for the Federation's needs using the same "call for reinforcements" method as the compmod used for hero-ships. I also had some luck adding more voice content (from Legacy) for Federation starships, but working with the "events.dat" file (I think it was) nearly drove me to insanity.

At some point I would really like to get the SB34 team together again, work on a Klingon and Romulan side to match our Federation work, and get the other mods we had planned all done up and released.... but I have precious little interest in future modding programs beyond play-testing and file-checking for A2Files. Nothing in my personal A2 build has been modified in eight months, maybe longer now. I'm not sure why, either.



Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Getting the Events.dat file to behave correctly can be highly frustrating. I have made two BSG Raider sound effects to use with the Half Race Mod v2.0. These are are Dopplered to sound like a Raider moving both towards and away from the player. Took a long time to get the pitch and other effects just right. Added them in to test and...bupkis. Ah well, such is a modder's life, eh?

It is entirely understandable you've had no incentive to mod or play A2, TSK. The SB34 Comp Mod is one big, big piece of work. It is something which everyone associated with it can be justifiably proud of. Primarily because everything in it works as advertised and there are no annoying little "bonus features" which cause CTD events.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Well here is my list of installs:
  • Future Wars
  • Fleet Operations
  • 5 Install of Yesteryears in various stages of development
  • Good old Parallels
  • A Stock install
  • My enhanced only install (has Midnight, Physics Project, Fahres improve mods like Projects blue and orange along with his lights, pink blob be gone etc)
  • Art of War

Now the personal ones:
  • A TNG mod I was working on (TNG era no DS9 or First Contact ships, Just TMP, TLE and TNG)
  • Clash of Empires
  • A second bigger COE
  • The Aad Install

That sums them all up. My Aad install is designed to have really only improved stock models and canon classes. The only non canon classes I'll be having is obviously for the non-Federation races as well I have the USS Midway in there initially for testing and now it's buildable for the Federation in the advanced shipyard.

They all also have no "bonus features" *as Thunderfoot calls them* as far as I have seen so I am pretty happy with that thus far. :)


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I was under the impression that the SB34 compmod *didn't* work exactly as advertised. Took us months to work out all the bugs and kinks, and I still got comments on the file about how people couldn't get it to work. Thanks, thunderfoot. Those comments just about completely destroyed my confidence in my modding ability, and I know the team was pretty baffled by them, too. We thought we did a good-- dare I say, a great job with the subject. Maybe we just didn't want to believe we were right.

Forgot to mention Future Wars, glad Majestic's post reminded me. Dropped the whole Federation side in as an "advanced" set of yards, added a couple more stations.... I cannot say enough good things about Future Wars and its clean, futuristic Federation side. The best part is that all the ships would EASILY meet Majestic's usual benchmarks-- common textures on some, fresh shapes in medium-poly contours for others. And best of all, they're magnificent --there isn't a ship in there I don't like. Although some of the class names don't translate well ("Long Tom class" always makes me audibly demonstrate my emotional maturity), others are essential parts of my arsenal. The Echelon class starship is one of my favourite designs-- ever! And other ships, like the Invincible, Seagull, Resolution and Triton classes, are simply too good to be missed. You want to add something extra, something truly fantastic, to your A2? You think you've seen it all and want to see what's next in Starfleet designs? Get Future Wars. Take a look at what's in there. It's well worth it.



Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
TheStarfleetKid said:
I was under the impression that the SB34 compmod *didn't* work exactly as advertised. Took us months to work out all the bugs and kinks, and I still got comments on the file about how people couldn't get it to work. Thanks, thunderfoot. Those comments just about completely destroyed my confidence in my modding ability, and I know the team was pretty baffled by them, too. We thought we did a good-- dare I say, a great job with the subject. Maybe we just didn't want to believe we were right.

I think you guys did an outstanding job. It was a huge undertaking and you pulled it off very well. It was every Federation and Starfleet fanatic's dream. People will complain no matter what, usually because they can't follow simply instructions or are too lazy to have a look and see if they can nail the problem down before asking, or in many cases demanding a solution.

Anyway back to the personal mods, here are some quick images of the Federation and Romulan fleets from my personal mod that I have slowly been building when time permits between other projects. Nothing fancy here just a few small scale images.

First of the Romulan Fleet
scRomScale03.png scRomScale04.png

And here is the Federation fleet.
Fedscale01.png Fedscale01 (3).png Fedscale01 (2).png

*Except for the Venture which is stock, and the Midway which is Major Payne's (just re-textured by me with Aad's textures) all the ships (model and texture wise) are by Aad Moerman.* :)


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
*Except for the Venture which is stock, and the Midway which is Major Payne's (just re-textured by me with Aad's textures) all the ships (model and texture wise) are by Aad Moerman.*
Nice, but - that D'deridex? I didn't know that he made one. :confused:
Also, that Intrepid... is that the ZH one Aad was talking about on FF? I wrote him a mail about it, but I didn't get a reply yet. Seems like I'm not one of the big boys.

Yeah, I loved the FedCompMod. It had that "Hey, let's go out and discover some sweet graphics effects of the 60's" feeling. The choice of ships and stations was just perfect and I loved how they also put in the more obscure non-canon classes (for example, the Starchaser) instead of the horrible DS9 kitbashes. :thumbsup:


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Nice, but - that D'deridex? I didn't know that he made one. :confused:
Also, that Intrepid... is that the ZH one Aad was talking about on FF? I wrote him a mail about it, but I didn't get a reply yet. Seems like I'm not one of the big boys.

Both models in question are ones Aad made for Zero Hour, but due to Ash wanting everything exclusive he won't allow them to be released publicly. I was lucky enough that Aad gave them to me for use in my private install.

I am sure Aad just hasn't gotten the email yet, or perhaps it went straight into his junk mail box. Might I suggest another try perhaps via PM to his Filefront Forum account (Moerman)?

Here are some more images I took today for some fun. I used Thunderfoot's awesome Twilight map, it's my absolute favourite map and a must in all my installs.

Snapshot005.png Snapshot035.png Snapshot038.png Snapshot039.png Snapshot016.png Snapshot027.png
Snapshot001a.png Snapshot003a.png


The Very Model of a Modern Major-General
12 May 2006
I have my A1 personal Crossover Mod, its based on SWvsST but I swap out
modded versions of the Trek races for B5, Andromeda, Stargate, my Battlefleet Mod, and Galactica.

Its complicated and interwoven and it was the only thing I played until I for years with the exception of the next install.

Next is seaQuest Armada for A1.

I have a couple of flops patched A2 backups "just in case"

seaQuest Armada for A2

My own semi-abandoned Honorverse Mod


A barely started attempt at a JJverse mod

AndrArmada (Still in progress)

and Last but not least Star Wars Fleet Command-Expanded. This is the mod I've been the most focused on lately though I've been playing with it more then modding it.



Staff member
Site Manager
Seraphim Build Team
Master Shipwright
30 Mar 2008
Great thread, I'll have to look up some of these.
I've got maybe a dozen mods and customised mods on my external hdd, including my old favourite B5A2, and a personal mod where I've included the Reman Rebellian mod and replaced many of the stock Fed ships with the intention of doing all the races. Got bored with the balancing though.

The three on my laptops harddrive (and thus most recently used) are:
  1. Parrallels (spelt wrong I know), which as you may guess was my WIP BSG mod before I started helping Thunderfoot
  2. Thunder_bodgedrelease, so called because it's not quite the released Half Race mod and includes a few "experiments"
  3. SG&Ent2, which is a bizarre mix where I started by downloading the Romulan War demo (well worth looking at), then converted the stock Federation to Ent era starfleet ships. And then (by mistake - somehow) added the Goauld race mod and then proceeded to add an Earth (Stargate) side. Still needs a bit of tweaking but works rather well. Really should seperate the two though, its just low down on the priority list...


Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
Since I got my new pc, I only have one A2 install, but it is a kind of organized mess, I have stock stuff, remade models (my Species8472 race redo), BSG things and models I have done from other universes (Starship Troopers, Battlestar Galactica and Farscape), and planning to try some Andromeda ships when I finish enough of BSG so they can be proper races.
Still, I think I need to make new installs, because of new models that I want to properly install (Aad Moerman's ships for example) and some that needs to be removed because they were remade or something else.


11 Apr 2010
Let's see now.....

1. My personal install, heavily modded beyond going back to stock. Ever. Includes big full-race mods like SB34 and Dan's Cardassians, a few ships I've pulled from big mods here and there, and of course, my DJ Curtis' Galaxy-Class

2. An install using the STA2-Future Wars total conversion mod. I eagerly await the patches to come out for english audio and fixed bugs.

3. An install of Fleet Operations 3.1.3. Always fun to play now and again.

4. A clean, unmodded copy of stock 1.2.5. patched A2. Keep it around just to rant at how BAD it is now and then :lol2:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I only have one A2 install, but it is a kind of organized mess, I have stock stuff, remade models (my Species8472 race redo), BSG things and models I have done from other universes (Starship Troopers, Battlestar Galactica and Farscape), and planning to try some Andromeda ships when I finish enough of BSG so they can be proper races.

If you ever, EVER need a play-tester, let me know. Your list of stuff you have is a list of stuff I desperately want for A2. *drool drool* :yum:



Warriors from Fluidic Space
Staff member
Site Manager
22 Oct 2006
If you ever, EVER need a play-tester, let me know. Your list of stuff you have is a list of stuff I desperately want for A2. *drool drool* :yum:


What can I say? when I get to the point of getting enough models done for a specific race, then I guess I can send you an e-mail or PM :) .
I may eventually do a topic about the models I have done, I think I have seen enough of this page to know this is a safe place.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
1 May 2006
My personal A2 install started as a remake of Stock to be in my own obsessive-compulsive organised filename system (e.g. fdestroy2.odf is now st_tng_fed_sabre.odf). It then grew to encompass other things I'm working on, such as my Cold Front bits and pieces, my Babylon 5 bits and pieces, and whatever else. It's more a testing ground than a balanced game; most of the "races" are just a generic shipyard design that builds the race's ships. Also, because of the number of races in it now, I don't have them all "active" at any one time; I just add and remove them from races.odf as required.

Screenshots will appear sometime, but at the moment it's very much like my flat: A mess that I'm really ashamed of. :p


Fight to live, Live to die
14 Sep 2009
Well this is not current anymore due to a very unfortunate event...

But my installs used to be.

Stock A2 patched with MU/Physics/and something else which I forget.

Fleet Ops unmodded and kept up to date.

Fleet Ops experimental/test bed

And then there was something I called B5FO. Which did not use any material from B5A2 and actually did not use any publicly released B5 material either...

I also had Future Wars and Yacuzzas TA, B5A2, AOW, and the Upgrade Project 2.0 installed along with another 2 gigs of additional content stuck in all throughout the mess.

All in all I think I had 14 gigs on my HD dedicated to A2 installs and A2 mods....to bad I didnt have 14 gigs backed up....

I miss those days.....

Now its just latest version of FO unmodded :(


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Hey I have 6 installs of Yesteryears, does that count? :lol2:

Sleep deprived, it does that to me.


The Emissary
2 Feb 2010

Well lets see...I have my personal mod...which is loaded with some coolness high poly stuff..as most of you here already know i love to throw in. A lot of Aad's Fed ships...Akira, Saber, Steamrunner. DJs Galaxy, CENeb from BC...some Legacy models that were ported to BC by Maxloef and then ported by me to Armada. This mod was originally based on Borg Incursion 2 and BI:Vital Responses. I threw stuff in from BI:VR for the Klingons. The Romulans, Cardassians and Dominion are from Yacuzza Tactical Assault Demo.

The entire mod was switched about 6 months ago over to FleetOps so that i could take advantage of my widescreen monitor..finally and not have to worry about unnecessary stretching and it looking so low res..along with the advanced features of weapons and graphic tweaks. I am slowing adding LODs to all my textures for all the ships.. All the weapons have 3 LOD levels so that as i zoom out the speed of my machine remains constant. When i have access to my Photobucket again ill post some recent pics. I have submitted several POTDs to A2files but Ive only seen maybe one the last month or so...so they will all come at some point or another.. Most of you have seen part of my mod with the FanFic of TNG - The Wounded..I also have The Battle of Narendra III that i wanna post.


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
Well I currently have 7 A2 installs

KA2-spec weapon odf storage
A map object test version
A2-Gold_Personal install aimed at doing a kindof melenium project style
Pre-TOS version
Art of War
and one stock A1 install


<< ■ II ▶ >>
Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I said I'd post screenies once I got the backdrops sorted out and here they are! Unfortunately, both players are Federation since that is the only side I'm confident won't crash on me right now.


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  • An Intrepid decides it's time to leave.jpg
    An Intrepid decides it's time to leave.jpg
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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I do believe CompactClear may be one of the finest mods ever released. The first time I saw it after installation, I instantly realized no other GUI would satisfy me ever again. Fahres is truly a master of doing things which others overlook and doing them to a level very few people who get paid to develop games can emulate. I did tweak the colors some to get them to match a little closer to what I think each race should have. And for the most part I am happy with these. However, like all modder everywhere I cannot resist tinkering and I am always after the 'perfect' adjustment. These are beautiful to look at but with a little diligence and sweat and patience, I know I can get them better.


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Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
I said I'd post screenies once I got the backdrops sorted out and here they are! Unfortunately, both players are Federation since that is the only side I'm confident won't crash on me right now.

Wow beautiful work Cabal, I love the wireframes, if you don't mind I might borrow the idea for Yesteryears. :lol:

I do believe CompactClear may be one of the finest mods ever released. The first time I saw it after installation, I instantly realized no other GUI would satisfy me ever again. Fahres is truly a master of doing things which others overlook and doing them to a level very few people who get paid to develop games can emulate. I did tweak the colors some to get them to match a little closer to what I think each race should have. And for the most part I am happy with these. However, like all modder everywhere I cannot resist tinkering and I am always after the 'perfect' adjustment. These are beautiful to look at but with a little diligence and sweat and patience, I know I can get them better.

I also love Fahres GUI mod, however I heard somewhere he won't allow one to make other races versions and release them in mods so I dumped the idea for Yesteryears going with something similar but also unique.

I really love the colour variations you have here. A dark grey would have never had occurred to me for the Borg. :thumbsup:


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
Heres some ship shots from my A2 Gold build


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