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Happy Forth of July


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Happy Forth of July Everyone


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member

Happy 4th of July all


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
Let freedom Ring! Happy Independence day every. Both to all the USA and the rest of the world.


Filipino Expat
Staff member
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Seraphim Build Team
Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
Cool! Let the airshows begin! :)



"What? Too flashy?"
27 Jun 2006
Not being American, I dont really see the attraction (now, May the Fourth I get...:lol:), but I hope you all enjoy it :)


Bringer of order to chaos
25 Apr 2006
Happy 4th. of July, everyone. :)

Not being American, I dont really see the attraction (now, May the Fourth I get...:lol:), but I hope you all enjoy it :)

Lol, see what you mean. For me it's 17th. of May. :D


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
It's all about rejoicing the freedom we have in the free nations in the world. I'm sure just about every country that calls itself free of Dictatorship and Tyranny has to each themselves a day in which feasts and festivities take place to mark their freedom with. For the USA, it is July 4th when the original 13 colonies officially ratified our Declaration of Independence from other nations and became the free nation known as "The United States of America". Without which, I believe most all the world would be wearing twisted crosses or marching under the great fried egg flag. I'm not claiming the USA is the savior of the world, but we have been an invaluable ally to many nations. Which falls back to that fateful day, July 4th, 1776.

Let freedom ring!


MSFC Staff Paramedic
23 Apr 2006
Happy 4th of July to everyone! Even if you are not American... :lol:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Happy late Independence Day everyone :sweat:.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Happy Forth of July

"Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day! " President Thomas Whitmore ID4

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Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
1 May 2006
Now for something controversial from a British point of view.
This is not intended to be offensive or anything; just read it and give it some thought. You most likely won't agree with it, and if I thought you would be offended by it, of course I would not say it, but I am hoping that you will read it and recognise it as another point of view, instead of just dismissing it because of your loyalty to the USA.

The US Independence Day is generally used as a "screw you" against the hated Brits. But it has become completely forgotten that the USA at the time was a British colony... The "Americans" were British citizens, not an "oppressed" nation. People need to realise that "INDEPENDENCE Day" means "the day we became able to stand on our own two feet" (look at the word "independence", that's what it means). It's not "FREEDOM Day". The war of independence was NOT "throwing out the imperialist invaders" because the Americans were ALSO "the invaders".

Then these 13 USA states, when formed as this "beacon of freedom", went on to invade what are now the other 36* states, eradicate the natives, and kill anyone that tried to stop them...
*: Alaska's history is different, so not counting them in this.

Sorry to sound so negative, but how can a country whose origins involve such mass destruction against a native culture, and who after all are ALL invaders, celebrate Independance Day as a "blow against tyrrany and dictatorship"?

The bit that really bites me about it though, is that although the Brits are generally seen as being the evil dictators, we were/are a democracy, and had been for many years by that point (not by today's standards, but we were far ahead of the more Feudal European nations of the time). And, at that time, we were fighting a REAL dictator, who really was invading and oppressing entire nations. That dictator was Napoleon, and we defeated him. But do we go around saying how great we are, because we fought the FIRST major threat to worldwide freedom and won, BY OURSELVES? No. Do we get a day to celebrate our major victory against tyrrany? No.

I'm not anti-American, I would just prefer that the hypocrisy is dropped, and people accepted the real origins of their nations, because all nations have been born in fire. To celebrate Independence Day for what it really is, the day your nation was created, and proved its ability to stand by itself and flourish, is a great reason... And in that spirit I really do wish you all a happy Independence Day.
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MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
Happy Independence Day to Everyone.

TO Atlantis: That is a very intriguing point of view. I agree that this nation was born and built by warfare in some form or another. First the Revolutionary War, then the War of 1812 (which the Brits did invade ;)), The Napoleonic Wars gave us Louisiana. Texas Independence from Mexico, Spanish American War, and so on. I do not forget where this nation came from. This nation did not fight the Brits be cause they invaded the colonies. It was because they began to restrict the rights of the colonists that they once protected. Then they started imposing taxes and levies on the goods sent to the colonies. They done this without any representation from the colonies. Democracy ran supreme in Britain but, the colonies were British property, not Britain herself. They were beginning to see the Colonists as second class citizens. That was the purpose of the Revolution.

I am not offended, just giving you another point of view to consider. We are all friends now and have been great allies for at least a century now.

Oh and Great job against Napoleon! :thumbsup:


Warrant Officer
8 Jan 2008
i find it ironic that one of the US' Reasons for the Revolutionary War was because of "unfair taxation" by the English.

now there are more Taxes in America then anywhere else i've been in the world.

(i've been to Canada, France, Switzerland and the Netherlands.)


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
i find it ironic that one of the US' Reasons for the Revolutionary War was because of "unfair taxation" by the English.

I agree. Their loophole is that the people are properly represented. The Representatives just aren't doing what the people want.


Master Chief Petty Officer of Starfleet
1 May 2006
Hmm, well the "unfair taxation" was not without its reasons, I'm sure. I mean, one of the primary reasons the English colonised America in the first place was for resources. So I'd see the taxation as being a control to make sure we actually got the profit/resources. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the government went too far (why not? they're going too far today even with their own citizens, haha).

What I'm saying, basically, is that although there are people like you (SciFiFan) who have obviously put a bit of thought into it, done some research etc, there are a LOT of people who only listen to the parts that make America seem great. They see this idyllic view of the initial American settlers (Mayflower etc) leaving England out of protest of our way of life*, settling peacefully in the New World, before the hated Brits decided to chase them out here and start oppressing them again. So you threw us out.

The people who just spout this "propaganda", that's been invented/twisted to cover up the darker pages of their history, are the ones causing such trouble and anti-American sentiment.

* As Puritanism obviously did not stick even in the New World (look at America today... hardly a Puritan nation, is it?), why is the Mayflower story so important to Americans, if not as a "screw you, England!" story?


Boba Frog!
25 Apr 2006
Hope everyone had a great 4th.

I personally don't think Americans use the day as a "stick it to the brits" day. Our history is taught for the most part properly to school aged kids on what happened back then. I will agree there are parts of the history that are not as they happened but I don't think its to make anyone look bad. Its just like nowdays. People call for change to "improve" things. When all they want is the control themselves. It was what was said to get the people to back the powers that be. Does that make any one side more "evil" than the next? No. Just a different point of view. Obviously the whole war did not make England and the USA complete enemies. Since now days they are allies in just about everything.

I honestly thing most Americans celebrate the 4th of July for 3 reasons.
1)A specific birthday for the country.
2)A day off of work (for some anyway)
3)A day we can legally blow stuff up. :lol2:

I'm just glad we live now days instead of then... Hope you all had a great fourth.


Lost Finder
Star Fighter
21 Apr 2006
Like Crazyfrog said, we celebrate the 4th of July for specific reasons. it is the "offical" birthday of the United States of America. It is not a day to "spit" at anyone, as that would do the reason for the celebration a grave injustice. We "Americans" (US only in this view, but there are other countries in the 2 American continents which are all Americans) are prideful yes... But make no mistake, we value England just as much as they value us these days.

Now, this thread is for wishing others well on a holiday of importance to our USA American members. Let's not have any further debate in this thread. It's not fair to anyone to say anything other than what the thread is intended for. Just the same if it was England's (or any other country's) birthday this thread were about. Anyone want to debate, they are welcome to start a debate thread. However, keep in mind everyone, there shall be no flaming tolerated by anyone. So if you partake in a debate, keep it civil... the war was faught a long time ago, keep it that way. Please don't anyone make me have to use my admin powers in a fashion other than improving our site.

(And note, I am not "getting on" to anyone at this point.)