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Battleship the Movie


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Ok, so before I say anything, let me just start off by saying, I did not have high hopes for this movie. It looked terrible, the premise was cheesy, and it had bad reviews before its public release. That being said, a few cheerful reviews on fandango convinced me it would be better than seeing a snowwhite remake or The Avengers for the 4th time.:sweat:

Boy was I wrong. :Y

This movie was so much fun, I actually might have enjoyed it more than the Avengers. Of course, it wasn't the well written, bit of perfection that the Avengers was, but with what I was expecting, it was amazing. If you see this movie with the objective opinion that it will have some silly references to the game, and know it is not a serious movie, you can't help being wowed. This movie was an action packed, surprisingly hilarious, Military/Sci-fi thriller. Besides being all of that, the game references actually became just fun to spot. Sometimes blatantly obvious, and sometimes so subtle that you will kick yourself because you missed them. In addition, being done by the same people as Transformers, its visuals were superb, (aside from the CGI horse here and there that makes me think Lucas sneezed on a script). And like I mentioned before, though this is primarily a Navy movie, if you are a Military buff like I am, this movei will definitely satisfy, despite some inaccuracies. The acting is also decent.

The major points of this movie I liked:

Epic focus of the US and other nations' militarys.
Good Music.
Superb CGI.
decent, though predictable plot.
Great ending.
Mostly clean. (a couple m-f- insinuations, but nothing else too serious, and they were used solely for humor)
Glorification of veterans and wounded soldiers.
Good acting.

Great ending:
I for one was very glad that there is finally a movie where the good guys won and the aliens wern't super powerful beings we couldn't hope to defeat. Nobody you really liked died, and the guy gets the girl. Evil loses, and if you stayed after credits you probably know there is a sequel coming too. ;)

For those of you that are into BSG, there is an added bonus I can't help but think was on purpose. You will just have to watch because I know you will read a spoiler If I put it in.:naughty: I just know none of you could help yourselves. :p Just think Galactica towards the end of the movie and be sure to check callsigns when they show the fighter pilot's helmet. Hopefully that doesn't spoil it for anyone.

So, If you are tired of watching The Avengers, or were disappointed by MIB3(like I was) and want to watch a real Sci-Fi action movie for Military Buffs(TF, HK that means you :salute:), I highly recommend you go see Battleship. You will not be let down. :thumbsup:

Oh, and btw, make sure you stay after credits. :cool:


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
It was a OK movie it was " love song for the Navy - recruitment add " I will qualify my statement

I would like to point out that the The 15th Wing could have ended it really fast given that

(15 WG) is a wing of the United States Air Force , Hickam Field Hawaii was in the bubble and was not destroyed nor was Schofield barracks "Army" Hawaii home to the 25th Infantry Division SSI.svg 25th Infantry Division. I'm sure that they would come to bare if anything like this occurred. In the move only the Naval Station Pearl Harbor was hit so they were there and in operation.

So yep love song for the Navy



Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Haha, true, it was definitely a love the navy movie. Others I know, in the airforce, made the same remark, but agreed with me that if the navy bases on the island were destroyed, all other military posts/bases/forts would have eliminated aswell. The boats were safe because they were in the water and couldn't be tracked.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
That would be true if they launched more that Four "rippers" at the island but they did not "stupid aliens" or is that "stupid writers" :lol:

Two his the naval station and the other two hit Pearl city and after words went inactive post attack.

So I stand that they were undamaged and were still there


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Eh, as I said, one can't take the show too seriously. It was a good show, despite the obvious problems with the plot. It was tons of fun to watch and I enjoyer the military aspect of it, even if it was all about the navy. :cool:


Drive'n Electriction
29 Sep 2006
From a naval point of view: Yes they would of hit all bases and we did not see the "Rippers" go inactive so they could have hit the other bases. but as for a love the navy flick? well they only looked at the ship side of the navy. their is still a few Naval Commands out there that where in the Bubble but where not shown, and Remember HK the navy has more planes than the Air Force.

But My fave part was when the old man said the Iconic Catch phrase (though a bit reworded)
They're not gonna sink this Battleship.

And the movie would have been a lot shorter if they where to include the Other Branches.

And for those that do not realize the Military never completely Decommissions Equipment that is in Working order. They are used in till they fall apart or Put in the Reserve. Using the BSG Ref made already, In the Remake Galatica Used old Museum Fighters and got them back in the "Air" In no time at all.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Not Really I have the Current numbers :)

but I will only post cleared data here

but I will say that the Air force hands down has more Fighters and fixed wing. the navy as more helos

in fact

In 2008,

The USAF had about +4,000 aircraft in the active duty inventory only , of which were about 160 helos. numbers ware higher if i count drones

The US Navy has about 4,000 aircraft total approx are 500 helos *

The USMC has about 1,500 aircraft, of which about 725 are helos.*

*" includes bone-yard aircraft I do not know why the Department of Navy counts them on their list "

DOD Forcecon data
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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
All of you have successfully talked me out of going to see this in the theatre. :lol2:


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Yes! Mission accomplish! :lol2:


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
Yes! Mission accomplish! :lol2:
Not really, I kinda dislike going to the theatre anyways because crowds make me a little uncomfortable. Besides, this will be out on Red Box in about five months or so.

As to the whole "Navy vs. Air Force" thingie Y'All have going on, I have this to say - Move on, nothing to see here. Both branches draw Hazardous Duty pay if there is no Chocolate in the mess hall ice cream machine.

Yet personnel from both branches will insist they are, ahem, "warriors". I have to stop typing now because I am laughing so hard.


Drive'n Electriction
29 Sep 2006
Not Really I have the Current numbers :)

but I will only post cleared data here

but I will say that the Air force hands down has more Fighters and fixed wing. the navy as more helos

in fact

In 2008,

The USAF had about +4,000 aircraft in the active duty inventory only , of which were about 160 helos. numbers ware higher if i count drones

The US Navy has about 4,000 aircraft total approx are 500 helos *

The USMC has about 1,500 aircraft, of which about 725 are helos.*

*" includes bone-yard aircraft I do not know why the Department of Navy counts them on their list "

DOD Forcecon data

Remember the Marines are The Department of the Navy. Sad Truth. They Keep the Boneyard plans on Record for Money.
Not really, I kinda dislike going to the theatre anyways because crowds make me a little uncomfortable. Besides, this will be out on Red Box in about five months or so.

As to the whole "Navy vs. Air Force" thingie Y'All have going on, I have this to say - Move on, nothing to see here. Both branches draw Hazardous Duty pay if there is no Chocolate in the mess hall ice cream machine.

Yet personnel from both branches will insist they are, ahem, "warriors". I have to stop typing now because I am laughing so hard.
And in reality the Navy does not get haz pay for that, though I hear the Air Force get it for no Carpet. And Both the Navy and Air Force Play some of the Largest Part in Wars. (Just remember it goes SeALs, Marine Recon, than the Army Rangers (Take Credit) Come in for clean up. :p


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Thunder you are one high speed soldier you know that.

To bad the Army Classifies anything over 56 km/h (35 mph) as high speed :p

As to the Duty pay if there is no Chocolate in the mess hall ice cream machine.

I deserve my ice cream after a long day of pull Army and Marine butts out of the fire that you always get into.

Think when was it that you have ever heard over the tac Airman asking for "Ground support " near to never.
On the other hand Army and Marines multiple times a day call for "air support "and you Know what I always answered and I was always there to take that call.

So Yes! I deserve my ice cream.

But I'm not big on Chocolate more of a Strawberry man myself and yes it would be war on the Dfac if it was not there ;)

Army and Marines I have all the respect in the world for.

My Father was a USMC Col. "Veteran era to middle 80's " and the Army is the mother of the Air force.
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Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
The only thing SEALS are good for is balancing balls on the end of their noses.

John Wayne made two movies where he was a Marine and one where he was a SeaBee. Got killed in all three. Never died when he made a movie where he was a Cavalry Trooper. So, the Department of the Navy has killled John Wayne not once but THREE times. That is indeed something to be very proud of. The Bad Guys haven't killed John Wayne as many times as the US Navy has.

Oh and before I forget, Tom Cruise made a rock video where he was a Naval Aviator, didn't he?

The only movie I know of John Wayne made where he was an Air Force pilot, he died in that one as well.

The reason the US Army has Special Forces is not everyone is good enough to be in the Cavalry. They were mad about not making the cut, so we had to give them a special hat to wear and a short bus to ride.

When you watch one of those old Westerns and the Indians are threatening the settlers' wagon train, you never, ever see a carrier or an airplane come over the horizon to save the day. Who usually gets the job done?

The US Cavalry.

As I said. Move on, nothing to see here.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Aww, don't be like that guys. I am an Airforce Brat, speaking to you from a marine base. I have family members and friends in every branch, and they all poke fun at one another, but everyone needs to remember, we are all on the same side. Every branch has its purpose, and insulting one because they don't run on the ground and shoot a gun, but "flay over the battle" or float out or range is pointless. The airforce is not supposed be soldiers. They are space command, Missileers, and of course pilots. Some members of our armed forces, pilot desks, some planes or boats, and some tanks or heilos. :salute:

Regardless of all of this and my bias for the AF, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Especially since there were only three other peaple in the theater.;)


Drive'n Electriction
29 Sep 2006
Every branch has its purpose
Regardless of all of this and my bias for the AF, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie. Especially since there were only three other peaple in the theater.;)

One True if not for the Other Branches the US Military would not be as Good as it is and for the only 3 in theater well I wish that was the case for me. Mine was packed.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
You do realize I was teasing of course, did you not? All of those comments were typed with my tongue firmly in my cheek. When I was in, we were all on the same team and answered to the same boss.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Of course, military buddies, tongue and cheek, both come as a packaged deal. :cool:

But I would hate to see you skip an, in my opinion, excellent movie because of it. :salute:


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Yes with out a doubt! We all are same all Brothers In Arms no matter what uniform we ware. We all serve the US Constitution and were all bound by that service and the High Honor that Service brings when we all swore to the same oath on our honor.

But with that said it all good-natured ribbing when we Pick on each other.



Drive'n Electriction
29 Sep 2006
But with that said it all good-natured ribbing when we Pick on each other.


I agree there, though I do think the movie could have used a bit more of the Ground Guys. and I await the Second installment.


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
Staff member
Forum Moderator
Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
I agree there, though I do think the movie could have used a bit more of the Ground Guys. and I await the Second installment.

I have yet to see the movie, though I do want to. As a former US Army guy, I will say that the Navy and Air Force are pretty smart. In the Army, the Officers sent out the Enlisted to fight. In the Navy and Air Force, the Enlisted send the Officers out to fight. :lol:

Now that all the fun is over I have one question.

This movie is about a battle between the Navy and Aliens.........How is this movie NOT a sci-fi movie? :p


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
I have yet to see the movie, though I do want to. As a former US Army guy, I will say that the Navy and Air Force are pretty smart. In the Army, the Officers sent out the Enlisted to fight. In the Navy and Air Force, the Enlisted send the Officers out to fight. :lol:

Now that all the fun is over I have one question.

This movie is about a battle between the Navy and Aliens.........How is this movie NOT a sci-fi movie? :p

Oh it is. And the scifi parts are good too. aliens are believeable, tech looks cool, etc. But it is also a military movie. :p


Cadet Sophomore
1 Mar 2023
It was a OK movie it was " love song for the Navy - recruitment add " I will qualify my statement

I would like to point out that the The 15th Wing could have ended it really fast given that

(15 WG) is a wing of the United States Air Force , Hickam Field Hawaii was in the bubble and was not destroyed nor was Schofield barracks "Army" Hawaii home to the 25th Infantry Division SSI.svg 25th Infantry Division. I'm sure that they would come to bare if anything like this occurred. In the move only the Naval Station Pearl Harbor was hit so they were there and in operation.

So yep love song for the Navy

Look at the Top Gun movies...the Navy loves recruitment movies!! But it was not a bad movie...little unrealistic (like putting battleship back in service in just a few hours...) but fun none the less. Who wants a chicken burrito?!


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
What a necro :iamtoast:

You had me here sweating, reading my own posts from over a decade ago. Thankfully I stand by my, now assuredly unpopular, opinion that this was a decent flick. :lol2:


Feline Overlord
Staff member
Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
What a necro :iamtoast:

You had me here sweating, reading my own posts from over a decade ago. Thankfully I stand by my, now assuredly unpopular, opinion that this was a decent flick. :lol2:
Yeah, reading your own posts from long ago is always a bit weird at least. I guess we change enough as people over such a long span of time that it's noticeable in our writings. I myself tend to cringe a lot when reading my old posts :sweat:


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
That is really cool. I follow the Ships of the Line on facebook so hopefully that is your work as well.

Please stop Necro posting .

Doing so will not count towards post


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
I wish it would stop. I hate seeing post from old friends that have passed :cry2:and are no longer with us...of whom I'd wish talk to again.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Yeah, reading your own posts from long ago is always a bit weird at least. I guess we change enough as people over such a long span of time that it's noticeable in our writings. I myself tend to cringe a lot when reading my old posts :sweat:
Considering I was about 16 at the time... Definitely :lol2:
I wish it would stop. I hate seeing post from old friends that have passed :cry2:and are no longer with us...of whom I'd wish talk to again.
Very true. I miss all these dear old names.:(


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Sorry post in the wrong thread had different windows open on about three computers:sweat:.. It should have ben post in the Battleship thread

Move to Correct thread
