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[Help] Weapon Sound Question


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
I seem to be having a strange problem with a weapon I am making for a project (Enhanced pulse phaser from Star Trek Invasion). The sound effect is about a second and a half long, but the fire rate of the weapon is rather fast. As such, the sound effects overlap each other to the point where it maxes out the sound channels. The big problem for me is how it comes out at this point. I'd like to hear the beginning of the sound effect when the weapons fire, but as it is, I can only hear the end of the sound effect. I'd like to switch this, but I don't know how other than changing the sound effect. My goal is to make this weapon as close to the Enhanced Pulse Phaser from Invasion as I can, including how the sounds overlap each other. Does anyone know of a way to do this?


Crewman 2nd Class
17 Aug 2011
One thing to consider is to use a dummy weapon that plays the sound only once (one shot). The rapid fire weapon would have no sound associated with it. You would have to edit and sound effect in a track editor. Duplicate and offset the single fire sound effect and then combine everything into a single track.

A good compromise might be to shorten the sound effect to the point where you are not maxing out the sound channels.

SoundLength = MaxChannels * shotDelay.

The MaxCHannels might have to be less than the max channels the engine can play if you want to have multiple ships using this weapon all at the same time.

Also, I thought that with the FMOD Ex sound engine, fleetops doesn't have this problem anymore. Maybe someone knows better.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
Well, you were right. I had my sound channels turned down to the default sixteen or something like that. Works perfectly when I actually increase that setting to maximum


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
Is there any way I can make other sounds override a specific weapon sound other than changing the volume of the clip itself? Sound Priority sounds like it might be right but idk if it'll work with weapon sounds


Crewman 2nd Class
17 Aug 2011
What do you mean by override? Do you mean that when you max out the sound channels, the sounds with lower priority will be cut first?