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Do You Play MMO Games?

Do you play MMO games?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


MSFC's Cheshire Cat
Staff member
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Necromancer/Troll hunter
Kitten Commander
16 Dec 2009
Hello, community!
The MSFC Polling Crew presents the first new poll. We're asking you: Do you play any MMO games?

Those games have become increasingly popular over the last years. Almost everyone has heard of WoW, the most popular MMO game. And now we even have our own Star Trek MMO game!

If you do play one of those games, please post a comment and tell us which one(s) you play. Maybe there are other MSFC members playing the same game and you don't even know!

That's it for now. In two weeks, we will bring you the next poll. Until then, vote and have fun!

The MSFC Polling Crew:
Terra_Inc & Amateur


<< ■ II ▶ >>
Staff member
Star Navigator
Rogue AI technocrat
15 Aug 2009
I played RuneScape for a while but I got lost and couldn't find my way back to a town. There were also a bunch of people who were just disrespectful and rude. That said, I have been tempted by some of them, like STO, but the cost of upgrading my computer to run them smoothly and then having to make monthly payments to keep my account would just destroy my budget.

I really don't understand why they don't include an offline mode that doesn't require monthly payments. If somebody did that they could get the MMO crowd and the rest of the RPG crowd with one game.


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
Money is the issue, I would love to give STO a shot and even the new Star Wars one when it comes out, but there are times when Kat and I struggle to feed the kids, not even going to start about feeding the pair of us.

If I started playing STO I would have to close MSFC, which one I don't want to do and secondly I wouldn't be very popular. :lol2:

So yeah getting back on track, option 3 is what I chose.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member
I used to play EVE Online, but now as Majestic said we can't afford it so I gave up my 3 high end characters.

As some of you also know I used to be a main admin of a private WoW server before coming to MSFC.

I have also recently been given that server by the owner whom is a great friend and I think of as a brother, to run myself so the website linking to the game will be run on our MSFC host but I'll be hosting the game server itself and bringing the once dead Escarian community back to life *apparently it died after I left and came to MSFC* I've also played Flyff and Rappelz and a few others just to name a few.


11 Apr 2010
When I first joined my Skype group, we played a number of MMOs. Lemme see which ones I remember...

-Shin Megami Tensei Imagine Online
-Dragonica Online
-Dungeon Fighter Online
-Aika Online

I know I tried WoW for the hell of it once, but I couldn't commit to it. And when STO came out, I bought the collectors edition for the bonus features, but sadly I could only play the 30 free days, since my parents wanted me to pay for the subscription myself. Couldn't find a job in time though, so I'm saving up to get at least a few months playtime :)


Filipino Expat
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Master of Art
22 Mar 2008
I'm not usually a fan of MMO's that much but I used to play an indie game called DOTA with a couple of my buddies some years ago. ^^

Before that, a lil' bit of Ragnarok Online.


Waiting for Godot
29 May 2006
Lord of the Rings Online :D

Seriously, I would urge everyone to try it - it's going FTP (Free to Play) soon, so you need only pay for what you actually want. Even if you're not a big fan of Tolkein then it's just absolutely brilliant.

It can be addictive though - I payed £75 for a lifetime subscription so I'd never have to pay again and never regretted it once!

Before that I played 9Dragons for a bit (another free one - the only concession is that once you hit level 12 (I think) then you get a banner at the top of your screen for advertising. Was good though - the fighting animations were a lot better than many 'main' MMO's in my opinion; and they really captured all of the seven hundred styles you could learn...

Way back before then I used to play Ultima Online - the original MMO, some call it. Back in its heyday it was great fun; but playing it now it's just...well, rubbish :lol:

And that's it, LOTRO is the one I play though


Biffy! Biffy! Biffy!
1 Jul 2009
Wow - 75 bucks for a lifetime subscription isnt that bad...

I would love to play STO - but the pay monthly thing kills - also, I go through periods where I game very little, so I would feel that I was throwing away my money (like now, for example, my 360 is borked but I still have a LIVE subscription... I can either cancel or pay 1000kr min. for a new used 360...) Also, I have a Steam account, and my new lappy plays the same games at the same quality online for free...

If STo has a one time lifetime payment, I would gladly make it though...

oh, I chose option 3...


Master of the Arwing
Warrant Officer
29 Jan 2008
A word of warning about MMOs I don't play them and here is why. On 2 seperate occations with 2 different games I have seen people use MMOs like druges to destroy their lives becoming so consumed with the games the they both lost everything. The knowledge of what can happen when a person loses control over one of these things just kinda sucks the fun right out of them for me.:(


Nyarlathotep The Crawling Chaos
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Walking Genocide
5 Aug 2007
I used to play lineage 2 a lot and then moved onto Aion when it came out. Currently since I don't have the time I used too, they have both been put on the back burner but I would not mind taking up Aion again come fall since I'd like to see what they did with the updates.


Lord of Death
Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
Star Fighter
23 Apr 2006
Do you play MMO games?

none of the poll answer apply to me

For me it is a point is in order to get the game you have to pay for the program. I do not like paying for something that I ready own just to use what I already own. it seem under handed to me.


Gettin' down and GUI!
23 Nov 2009
Ditto to that.

As for me, I don't really play them. I will confess to have played the game Toontown at some point, but not much else.:sweat:

I agree with Cabal though. If you could just buy a version populated by a few AI's that would let you play offline, maybe make it the free trial, I would play many MMO's. 'specially STO.:thumbsup:


Staff member
Seraphim Build Team
17 Apr 2006
For me it is a point is in order to get the game you have to pay for the program. I do not like paying for something that I ready own just to use what I already own. it seem under handed to me.

That's another point I agree on, it should be free to start with like Flyff or Eve Online if they are going to charge you to play it, but asking you to buy it like a normal game and then making you pay to play it is rather steep in my eyes as well.


Fight to live, Live to die
14 Sep 2009
The only MMO I have played for any length of time has been DarkOrbit if you can call that an MMO...but things went to rubbish with server issues and the free to play was totally imbalanced to paid options but I for awhile was holding my own against premium players but it just became to much drama and bigpoint (the company that opperates DO) quite frankly didnt care about its playerbase that much..as least not on the USAEAST server. Also the banning procedures were...very case selective to say the least. I was banned for awhile because I changed my username to a political statement yet usernames with extremely vulgar context were acceptable. Basicly once I cleared up the ban issue and got back into the game the player drama had grown so out of hand that it was allmost...well lets just say that players started taking pride in hoarding NPCs and destroying anybody who even came near their hoard of NPCs that they were farming so I quit. Kinda felt bad about quiting cuz it took me a few months to become full elite but the drama and constant internal company clan wars over "you shot my NPC" was just zero fun.


Bah Humbug!
1 Oct 2006
I currently have a lifetime Sub to STO, I also play Lord of the Rings Online, and am going to be playing SWTOR and Lego Universe when they come out.

I used to play SWG and Warhammer Online, for about 6 months each, and have played WoW, but for only 2 months.


MSFC Hunter Vanguard
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Lone Star Hunter
13 May 2009
I am playing STO. It is my first MMO. The price is not any fun but, the cost of the game is going down (19.99 at the local Wal-Mart, IIRC). I do not like some of the things they have done to the Trek universe but, I do enjoy the game.

There is a lifetime membership fee but, it is kinda steep ($299.99 USD). IF I ever get enough saved up, I may do that. If I need to cut costs, it will be the first thing to go.


Deleted Due to Inactivity
Former MSFC Member

I don't play now at the moment. I've played Runescape, and some text based online (not forum style). I've tried the STO beta too, and soon I'm going to start playing for real :)