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Build and Dock Hardpoint Question


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
Hey everyone, I've got a question regarding hardpoints for building and docking, specifically how to specify the direction ships are supposed to come out of (for building) and dock at a starbase. I'll include this as a reference:
If I wanted to have a ship build from the lower hardpoint and go south from that hardpoint, how would I bring this about? I've tried adding another hardpoint in the direction I want it to go (as this method works for both orienting weapon hardpoints and sprite hardpoints), but it doesn't seem to work for docking and building. Instead, in both building and docking, the direction of the ships defaults to north. Would I have to modify something in the ODF of the file to get it to work, or is there a way to do this in Milkshape with hardpoints? Thanks!


Crewman 2nd Class
17 Aug 2011
I'm not sure why the dock, repair, and build hardpoints aren't exporting properly in Milkshape. Looking at the exporter source, it seems that any "child" node will have orientation saved correctly (or semi-correctly)

Anyhow, if you are able to get "hp" type nodes exported fine, why don't you use "hp00" and "hp01" as dock/repair/build hardpoints?

You can change those in the ODF via:

repairHardpoint = "hp17"
buildHardpoint = "hp00"
dockingHardpoint = "hp00"

Also, you can change the side of the ship that aligns with the repair hp. The following was taken from the FleetOps Guide:

repairSide = #
0 = Center
1 = Left
2 = Right
3 = Aft right
4 = Aft
5 = Aft left
6 = Below
7 = Below right
8 = Above
9 = Above left
10 = Above right


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
I'm not sure why the dock, repair, and build hardpoints aren't exporting properly in Milkshape. Looking at the exporter source, it seems that any "child" node will have orientation saved correctly (or semi-correctly)

Anyhow, if you are able to get "hp" type nodes exported fine, why don't you use "hp00" and "hp01" as dock/repair/build hardpoints?

I think the node's orientation is correctly exported, however I'm not certain how Armada 2 is interpreting those. I did notice one thing about trying to get emitter sprites to point in the right direction using milkshape: you have to make the joint point in the opposite direction (along the x axis only) to get the emitter orientation right. I'm wondering if a similar peculiarity exists when trying to orient docking and building hardpoints.


Lieutenant, Junior Grade
Clone Force 99
31 Jul 2012
I found the problem. The x-direction of the joints needed to be switched. It all works now :)


Crewman 2nd Class
17 Aug 2011
Cool, great that you solved the problem. For reference, build/repair/dock hp's use y-axis as forward, z as "up", and x is to the right side of the ship.
